Check back regularly as new resources will be added!
Cabot's Farm Love Patch Activities (earn your own Farm Love Patch)
Breakfast on the Farm: Virtual Farm Tour at Newmont Farm, Bradford, VT
New England Dairy: Virtual Farm Tours + Curriculum (Grades 5-8)
Sustainable Practices on New England Dairy Farms (Gervais Family Farm, Enosburg Falls, VT & Poulin Farm, Newport Vermont)
Environmental Stewardship on the Dairy Farm (Poulin Farm, Newport, VT)
Cow Care on a Vermont Dairy Farm (Gervais Family Farm, Enosburg Falls, VT)
#PoulinPowered Fairmont Farm Tour
Chasing Down Madison Brown: Poulin Farm, Newport VT- Robotic Milkers
Chasing Down Madison Brown: Gervais Family Farm, Enosburg Falls, VT
Peterson Farm Brothers: “We Will Milk Cows” Dairy Parody
Cabot Class Room Resources Grades K-5
New England Dairy School Resource Library
New England Dairy: Meet the Farm Families!
Dairy Good: Life On the Farm, Fact and Myths, Sustainability, Health and Wellness

Egg-Citing Poultry Adventure: Interactive Poultry game
Feathermen Poultry Processing How To Videos
PennState Extension: 4H Poultry Raising Projects
Thinking Chicken: Elementary School level video
Virtual Egg Farm Field Trips: American Egg Board
Eggucational Games: American Egg Board

On The Farm STEM: Learn about beef
New York Beef Council: Raising Beef in New York

How Does it Grow Videos: PBS video series exploring how different crops are grown
My American Farm: Free online games for grades K-5 teaching math, reading, science and social studies in the context of agriculture.
Outstanding in Their Field: Podcast series celebrating the people who produce food and those who teach about it.
Farmer 2050: Farm game for middle and high school students where players must plant crops, raise animals and craft goods to sell, while still managing the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic and social.
Peterson Farm Brothers: “Chore” Roar Parody
Cabot – Cooking With Your Kids Infographic
American Farm Bureau Foundation: At Home Ag-tivities (Grades K-12)
American Farm Bureau Foundation: Common Questions about Agriculture, Answered!
-Virtual Tours (Sheep, Pig, Crop, Dairy, Beef, Fruit and vegetable Farms)
NH Ag in the Classroom: Lessons and Resources
Baked Bread: How Flour is Made Video

If you'd like to learn more about Poulin Grain's quality livestock feeds and personalized service, please visit or call 800.334.6731